Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Feelings about the move

Well it has been a big change moving from Spokane to Yakima. We all have had to make a lot of changes and adjustments. Poor Victoria gets so bored now that she does not go to school half day. I am still getting used to the fact that I am not working anymore. Mike has taken a huge pay cut when we moved which has been hard. I have thought about going back to work but the thought of putting Chase in daycare breaks my heart. I have developed such a bond with him being able to be with him all day. We hope to save as much as we can so we can be back on our own again soon.

1 comment:

Rachel Mai said...

I'm sure toria enjoys doing projects, making playdates, and going on field trips with Mommy. Those things would definitely keep her 'unbored' most of the time, right?